Client Search

The Client Search functionality is designed to search the client database by a variety of parameters. The most common use is to search by SSN or name to determine if a new client has a record in AJL or not. However, by combining several parameters on Client Search, different groups of clients can be identified. Client Search for adding a Client Record is discussed inStep 1: Client Search in the Add Client Overview section. This section covers all fields on Client Search.


To navigate to Client Search, click Client Search in the main menu or use the main menu to go to Client > Client Search.

Conduct Client Search

  1. Navigate to Client Search.
  2. Click Search after filling out the desired search parameters.
  3. Columns on the Search Results page are sortable by column heading. Columns are Client Name (Last, First), Part (Participant) ID, SSN, Veteran Status, Birth Date, and City.
    1. Click a name in the Client Name column to go to that client's Case Details.
    2. To view another client in the results, use the main menu to navigate to Client Search, then click Results in Related Links.
    3. To search again, click the Client Search link in Related Links. The previous parameters are populated on the Client Search page. To execute a new search, remove or change these parameters.
  4. The client search results remain available after navigating away. To view the results again, navigate back to Client Search and click Results in the Related Links.

Quick Start Guide

Click to view full-screen video in new tab: Searching for and Bookmarking Clients and Employers QSG