Staff Account Approval

New staff users cannot access full system functionality until their account is approved. The ability to approve staff accounts is privilege-based and is typically limited to supervisors and directors, depending on your state's policy. Once a staff account has been approved, the user can be granted additional roles without going through the approval process. This means that if you have the privilege to create staff accounts, you can manage the roles of approved staff. As with staff account creation, you can only approve staff accounts that are less than your own role, unless you are a State Director.

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Approve Staff Account

  1. Select Admin Tasks in the lefthand navigation. Then select the ServiceLink tab. The ServiceLink administrative tasks display. Select Staff Account Approval. The Staff Account Approval page displays.
  2. Staff Account Approval Queue screenshot
  3. Select the username of the staff account that needs approval. The Staff Verification page displays, with the following information:
    • Roles: The role and office display, with buttons to customize privileges and manage program abilities.
    • Account Status Information: Who created the account, the date and time, and the account status.
    • Account Information: Basic information about the account displays, including the username, job title, and office info. Enter comments about the account as needed.
      •   If any information is incorrect, it can be edited from the staff user profile.
  4. Staff Verfication screenshot
  5. Set the account's privileges and program abilities, as described below. Select Approve when you are ready to approve the account.

Customize Privileges

  1. Select Customize Privileges. The Customize Privileges page displays. Customize Privileges screenshot
  2. Select any privileges you wish to grant to the user (see table below). When finished, select Save. The Staff Verification page displays.
    • You can filter for a specific privilege if you know the name of one you want to check. Privileges are grouped according to what area of the system they affect. Some privileges are inherently available to supervisors and above. In the table below, privileges inherent to supervisors and above are indicated by an asterisk. States have settings for some aspects of privileges, such as what the lowest level role is who can delete content. Privileges that have further customization are indicated by a plus sign. Those that have a "Y" in the Admin Tasks column indicate the privilege is tied to a specific admin task. Privileges in orange are new to NextGen.
    System Privileges
    Field Description Admin Task
    Account Management
    Case Manager Account Status Disable/reactivate case manager accounts. N
    Employer Account Status Disable/reactivate employer accounts. N
    Job Seeker Removal Delete job seeker information once registrations have been removed. Y
    Password Reset Code Create password reset code. N
    ProviderLink Account Status Disable/reactivate ProviderLink accounts. N
    ProviderLink Contact Info Update ProviderLink account and user information (not available in ProviderLink). N
    Staff Approval Approve staff accounts. Y
    Staff Creation Create staff accounts. Y
    Case Management
    *Alternate Contacts Create, edit, and delete a job seeker's alternate contacts N
    Contact Info Create, edit, and delete contact information for job seekers, employers, and training providers. N
    *Demographics View and edit job seeker demographic information. N
    *General Employment Plan Create and edit notes about the job seeker's employment plans at the Case Details level. The ability to delete plans varies by state. N
    *InterAgency Referrals Create, edit, and delete referrals to services and assistance from non-partner agencies. N
    *Job Developments Create and edit introductions between job seekers and employers when an open job posting is not available to create a referral. N
    *Job Placements (Edit) Create and edit job information when a job seeker finds employment. N
    *Job Placements (View) View job information when a job seeker finds employment. N
    *Job Seeker Call-Ins Create notifications to individuals or groups of job seekers, generally for job referrals, services, or appointments. N
    Job Seeker Mass Notifications Create, edit, and delete content and parameters for generating a file to send out mass notifications to job seekers. N
    +Job Seeker Merge Move job seeker data from one record into another to consolidate duplicate accounts. The user must have access to delete enrollments and services to complete the action. This action is irreversible. Y
    Job Seeker SSNs Edit or delete the job seeker's Social Security number from Universal Information, Enrollment Information, and/or Reporting Information. Y
    *Notes Create notes about the job seeker's participation in job search activities at the Case Details level. N
    Participant-Entered Self-Services View job seeker responses to the "What are you doing today?" questions, as well as records of the job seeker's basic system usage. N
    Partner-Provided Services Create, edit, and delete services provided to a job seeker by a partner agency that does not use AJL. N
    *Printable Job Seeker Release View and print the job seeker's Terms of Agreement and Release of Information. N
    Staff-Entered Self-Services Create, edit, and delete job seeker self-services that were not captured by the system. N
    *Tests Create and edit test and assessments results at the Case Details level. N
    Uploaded Documentation Delete files from the Documentation Uploader. N
    Work Experience Create, edit, and delete work experiences for the job seeker, which will be available for selection in the Resume Wizard. N
    WorkKeys (Delete) Delete WorkKeys test results. N
    WorkKeys (Proctor) Display as a selection for WorkKeys proctors. N
    +WorkKeys (Update) Create and edit WorkKeys test results. N
    Employer Management
    Employer Mass Notifications Create, edit, and delete content and parameters for generating a file to send out mass notifications to employers. N
    Employer Merge Move employer data from one record into another to consolidate duplicate accounts. This action is irreversible. Y
    Employer Verification (Office) Review, approve, deny, and update employer accounts in your office. Y
    Employer Verification (Out-of-State) Review, approve, deny, and update out-of-state employer accounts. Y
    Employer Verification (Region) Review, approve, deny, and update employer accounts in your region. Y
    Employer Verification (State) Review, approve, deny, and update employer accounts across the state. Y
    Layoff Employers Create, edit, and delete information for employers who are providing advance notice of layoffs. Y
    Reason for a Visit by Staff Add or edit the type of outreach recorded for employer contact tracking. Y
    Tags Create, edit, and delete job posting and employer tags. Y
    +Budgets Create and edit job seeker, vendor and region admin budgets. The ability to delete a budget is based on state setting. N
    +Expenses Add or view payments. The ability to edit or delete is based on state setting. N
    Obligation (Local Area) Allows local area admin to create or edit splits and obligate available funds to regions. N
    Obligation (Office) Allows office admin to create or edit splits and obligate available funds to programs or admin. N
    Obligation (Region) Allows office admin to create or edit splits and obligate available funds to programs or admin. N
    Obligation (State) Allows state admin to create splits and obligate available fund to the regions. N
    Reporting Provides access to fiscal reports. N
    +Vendors Add, edit, or merge vendors. Access is limited to region director and above. N
    Voucher Manual Reconciliation Manually reconcile vouchers. N
    +Vouchers Create, process, and print vouchers. Access is limited to region director and above. N
    Programs and Enrollments
    15% Enrollments Add or edit 15% enrollments. Y
    Anonymous Self-Services Enter counts of services received by job seekers who are not signed into the system. N
    Auto-Add Services Add or edit services that are automatically added to a job seeker’s record upon registration. Y
    *Eligibility List View list of enrollments for which a job seeker is eligible. Y
    +Employment/Training Plan Create and edit notes about the job seeker's employment and training plans at the Enrollment Details level. The ability to delete plans varies by state. N
    Enrollment Deletion Delete job seeker program enrollments. Y
    +Enrollment Notes Create notes about the job seeker's participation in the enrollment. The ability to delete notes varies by state. Y
    +Enrollment Plan Create, edit, and delete triage services for a job seeker at the Enrollment Details level. N
    Enrollment Snapshot Edit the interview questions captured when an enrollment is first opened. N
    +Exits Edit exit questions for an enrollment. N
    *Grants Create, edit, and delete grants awarded to the job seeker during enrollment. N
    +Measurable Skills Gains Create, edit, and delete goals for measurable skills gains. The ability to delete goals varies by state. N
    *Needs and Barriers View a snapshot of the job seeker's Needs and Barriers at the time of enrollment. N
    Outcomes Edit outcomes for an enrollment. N
    Pending Enrollments Approve and deny newly opened enrollments. Y/N
    *Reassign Office Update the case manager assigned to manage a job seeker's enrollment. N
    Remove RES Exemption Monitor and remove exemptions granted by the local office staff to Reeemployment program participants. Y
    Remove RES Exemption Monitor and remove exemptions granted by the local office staff to Reeemployment program participants. Y
    Service and Training Create, edit, and delete services received by the job seeker from office staff or training providers during enrollment. N
    TAA Management Create and edit TAA petitions. Y
    UI Wages (Manage) Edit and delete UI wage information in the UI wage editor. N
    +Wages (Delete) Delete wage information for the job seeker during or after enrollment. N
    Wages (Manage) Add or edit wage information for the job seeker during or after enrollment. N
    Events Create, edit, and delete events that display in Upcoming Events. Y
    Service Providers Add, edit, or delete service providers, which are used for referrals. Y
    Surveys Create, edit, and delete surveys that display on any page in the system. Y
    User Resources Manage categories, sub-categories, and entries for the resources that display for each user type. Y
    Videos Upload and delete video files on any page in the application. Y
    ReEmployLink Management (AZ Only)
    Administrate Provides full access to all features of ReEmployLink. Y
    Supervise Provides access to Orientation Scheduling, View/Print Roster, Pool Count Report, and Weekly Claimant Orientation Schedule Information. Y
    System Management
    API Tokens View API endpoints and tokens. Y
    Area Level Editor Edit area’s definition of self-sufficiency based on the LLSIL. Y
    Contact Type Add or edit the contact types available for notes. Y
    County Type Editor Add or edit counties in a region. Y
    Data Elements Editor Add or edit data elements that can be verified through documentation. Y
    Documentation Items Editor Add or edit documentation items and what data elements or enrollments they verify. Y
    Heard About Options Add or edit the self-service registration “How did you hear about us” options. Y
    Login Messages Create, edit, and delete messages that display to users upon login. Y
    Maintenance Message Create, edit, or delete the maintenance message displayed on the home page. Y
    Office Contact Info Create, edit, and delete office information that displays under Contact Us. Y
    Services Admin Search, edit, and add program and One-Stop services and self-services. Y

Manage Program Abilities

  1. From the Staff Verification page, select Manage Program Abilities. The Program Abilities page displays.
  2. Program Abilities screenshot
  3. Select the permission level you wish the user to have for each program:
    • Blocked: The user cannot see or manage any program information.
    • View: The user can see but not manage program information.
    • Edit: The user can see and edit existing program information, but cannot create new enrollments.
    • Create: The user can see and edit existing program information, as well as create new enrollments.
    • Default: The user's settings are set to match the office's default values.
    • Only active programs display. The levels of permission that display for each program depend on the program settings at the office and region level. For more information, read how AJLA–TS staff manages Security.
  4. Select Save. The Staff Verification page displays.

View/Edit Roles

Once a staff account is approved, anyone with the approval to create or approve staff accounts can create and manage additional roles for the staff (as long as the account they're managing a role less than their own, with the exception of State Directors).

  • If a staff account is disabled, the staff role's status does not change.

  1. Open the User Search. Identify the staff you wish to manage.
  2. Select Edit Roles. The Roles for [username] page displays.
    • Any roles that you have access to manage display with action buttons. If a role does not have an action button, you do not have permission to manage that role based on either your privileges or your office. Remember you cannot manage roles greater than or equal to your own role unless you are a State Director.
  3. Program Abilities screenshot
  4. Select the action that you need to take on the account:
    • Reactivate: Select to make the role available to the account again.
    • Disable: Select to remove access to the role. (Roles can only be disabled, not deleted.)
    • Customize: Select to modify the role's privileges or program abilities.
    • Add Role: Select to create new role for the account. New roles do not require approval.