Public Assistance
The Public Assistance page of the demographics flow records information about the job seeker's receipt of public assistance, such as food stamps or cash assistance. Some questions contribute to determining program eligibility, such as TANF. The following instructions apply to the Public Assistance page. Below is a screenshot of the page, as well as a table listing each field and a description of the content required.
- Complete the following questions. All fields marked with (required) indicate a field that must be answered. Additional questions may display or be required based on the information you provide and on your state.
Public Assistance Information Field Description Are you receiving or have you exhausted benefits from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)? (Drop-Down) Select from the following options: - Yes
- No
- Exhaustee
How many months have you received TANF assistance? (Digits) If you answer Yes to the previous TANF question, enter the number of months benefits were received. Are you receiving Refugee Cash Assistance? (Drop-Down) Select from the following options: - Yes
- No
- Not reported
Are you receiving food stamps? (Drop-down) Select Yes or No. - Select Next. The Reentry Employment Opportunities page displays.