Staff and Assignments

Staff who are supervisors and above have a link to Staff and Assignments from their home page. This feature allows you to view the caseloads of those you supervise.

View Caseloads

  1. From your staff home page, select Staff and Assignments. The Staff and Assignments page displays, featuring a list of active staff in your home office with linked counters of their cases.
  2. List of Staff in an Office with Counters of their Cases
  3. Select a counter to view a list of that staff's caseload:
    1. Job Seekers: List of bookmarked job seekers who are added to the staff's My Cases or My Follow Up.
    2. List of Job Seekers Bookmarked by a Staff person
    3. Primary Case Managers: List of job seekers for which a staff is designated the Primary Case Manager. Job seeker names link to Case Details, and enrollment names link to Enrollment Details.
    4. List of Job Seekers who have a staff as a primary case manager
    5. Employers: List of employers a staff has bookmarked.
    6. List of Employers who have been bookmarked by a staff
    7. Jobs: List of job postings a staff has bookmarked.
    8. List of employers bookmarked by a staff

State Office Hierarchy

The Staff and Assignments feature also provides Region, Provider, and State Directors with a hierarchical list of the offices they supervise. Selecting an office will display that office's list of active staff and their caseloads.

  • AJLA–TS staff manage the hierarchy of offices, regions, and agencies. If you need an office, region, or agency added, edited, or removed, an administrator should submit a ticket.
  • State Director: Sees all agencies, regions, and offices.
  • State Director's access to office hierarchy
  • Provider Director: Sees all regions and offices within their agency.
  • Provider Director's access to office hierarchy
  • Region Director: Sees all offices within their region.
  • Region Director's access to office hierarchy