Preferred Employers

The Preferred Employer List provides functionality for job seekers to indicate their preference to work for a specific employer. The design is to allow indication of the preference and is used for those circumstances when an employer uses the workforce center to fill positions. The list of preferred employers displays on the client's Case Details page, and the list of job seekers who have indicated the employer as a preferred employer displays on the Employer Details page. When the workforce center received a job order from the employer, staff can access the list of job seekers who have indicated preference to work for the employer. Staff can sort this list by veteran status to provide veterans with priority status.


Bring the client into context by conducting a Client Search or selecting the client from My Cases. Use the client context menu to navigate to Case Details > Preferred Employers, or click Preferred Employer List on the Case Details page.

View/Edit Preferred Employers

  1. To view, click the Preferred Employers List link. The Preferred Employer List page displays.
  2. Click the Employer Name link to view the Employer Details page.
  3. Click the Occupational Code and Title link to edit the occupation code and/or add/update notes.

Add Preferred Employers

  1. To add a preferred employer, click the Preferred Employer List link. The Preferred Employer List page displays.
  2. Click the Add a New Preferred Employer button. The Add Preferred Employer page displays.
  3. Click Cancel to return to the Preferred Employer List page without adding an employer. Click Continue to search for an employer to add. The Employer Search page displays.
  4. Enter search criteria to search for the employer. Click the Search button at the bottom of the page to execute the search. The search results page displays.
  5. Select an employer from the results by clicking the link in the Company Name column. The second Add Preferred Employer page displays.
  6. The Date, Staff Name, Office, Employer Name, and Employer Address are defaulted and are not editable.
    1. If the wrong employer information is displayed, click Return to List to return to the employer search results page.
    2. If the intended employer information is displayed, continue by selecting an occupation code. Choose the O*NET code using the O*NET Lookup button.
    3. Add Notes as appropriate.
  7. Click Save to save the preferred employer and return to the Preferred Employer List page.

Quick Start Guide

Click to view full-screen video in new tab: Adding Preferred Employers