Employer Merge

When two or more employer accounts have matching FEINs and SEINs, an employer merge may be needed to consolidate duplicate accounts. Only staff with the appropriate privileges can merge employer accounts. This is a permanent action and cannot be reversed; therefore, use great caution and attention to detail when performing employer merges. To reduce the risk of error, only two employer accounts can be merged at a time. If more than two accounts need to be merged, merge the unneeded accounts one at a time into the account you want to keep.


In the left-hand navigation menu, click Admin Tasks, then click the JobLink tab. Click the Employer Merge tile.

Merge a Pending Account into an Active Account

  1. If the Employer Approval page for an account pending approval displays a confirmation message that a matching FEIN and SEIN are in the system, after reviewing the pending account information, click the Merge Employers link. The Employer Merge FEIN and SEIN page displays.
  2. The FEIN and SEIN are automatically populated from the employer account pending approval. Click Submit. The Employer Merge selections page displays.
  3. Review the information from both accounts.
    1. The Account Status on one account should display as New/Pending Approval, while one should display as Active.
    2. Click the company name to view the Employer Details page.
  4. Select the two accounts to be merged and click Continue. The Employer Merge action page displays.
  5. Select the drop-down option that displays the appropriate merge. For merging a pending account into an active account, only one option will display.
    1. The user name of the account to be merged displays first (e.g., baconbacon [pending account to be merged] to porkbelly [active account to remain]).
    2. An active account cannot be merged into a pending account. If the employer wants to retain the new account, the new account must be approved, then the two active accounts must be merged.
  6. Click Submit. A confirmation page displays. The confirmation message is the last step to performing the merge. Once you have clicked OK, the merge is complete and cannot be undone.

Merge Two Active Accounts

  1. When you encounter two active employer accounts with matching FEINs and SEINs, and the accounts appear to be duplicates, navigate to the Employer Merge tile. The Employer Merge FEIN and SEIN page displays.
  2. Type the FEIN and SEIN of the duplicate employers. Click Submit. The Employer Merge selections page displays.
  3. Review the information from both accounts. Select the two accounts to be merged.
    1. The Account Status on both accounts should display as Active.
    2. Click the company name to view the Employer Details page.
    3. Note the username of the company you wish to merge and the username of the company you wish to retain.
  4. Click Continue. The Employer Merge action page displays.
  5. Select the drop-down option that displays the appropriate merge.
    1. The user name of the account to be merged displays first (e.g., walmart66044 [active account to be merged] to walmart66612 [active account to remain]).
  6. Click Submit. A confirmation page displays. The confirmation message is the last step to performing the merge. Once you have clicked OK, the merge is completed and cannot be undone.

Viewing Deleted Accounts & Employer Notes

  1. Employer accounts that are merged into another account are permanently deleted. To view an employer account that has been deleted, navigate to the Employer Search.
  2. Click the Company Name link of the deleted account. The Employer Details page will display. Note the Employer Status is Deleted.
  3. Click the Employer Notes link. The Employer Notes for [Company] page displays. A note will be listed with "Employer Merge" as the description.
  4. Click the Employer Merge link under the Description column to view the full employer note.
    1. The active account into which the deleted account was merged will also display the employer note about the merge.