Contact Tracking

To track staff engagement with employers, use Contact Tracking, which is available from the Employer Details page.


Bring the employer into context by conducting an Employer Search or selecting the employer from My Employers. Scroll down until you see the Employer Tags tile on the Employer Details page.

View/Edit/Delete Contact List

  1. Navigate to Contact Tracking. The Contact List page displays.
  2. To edit or delete a contact record, click Edit in the Actions column. The Contact Details page displays.
  • If you are a staff user with a role below Regional Director, you can only edit contacts that you created. Contacts created by other staff users can be viewed by clicking Show in the Actions column. Staff users with a role of Regional Director or above can edit any contact.
  1. To edit, change any of the information necessary to reflect the current status of the contact record.
  2. Click Save Changes to save. The updates are saved and the Contact List page displays. To return to the Contact Lists page without making any changes, click Return to Contact List.

Add Contact

  1. Navigate to Contact Tracking. The Contact List page displays.
    1. If no contact details have yet been listed, a message will display that there are currently no contacts available. If contacts already exist, the contact information will display.
  2. Click Add Contact. The Contact Details page displays.
  3. Enter the contact information.

    • Contact Date: Calendar; Select the date contact was initially made with the employer. Defaults to the current date.
    • Re-Contact Date: Calendar; If initial contact was not successful or if follow-up contact was made, select the date of re-contact.
    • Reason for a Visit by Staff: List; Select the primary reason the staff made contact with the employer. Select from the following options:

      • Available One-Stop Services
      • Available Training Services
      • FCJL Contact [Federal Contract Job Listing]
      • General Marketing Information
      • Incumbent Worker Training Services
      • Job Order Development Activities
      • Job Seeker Outreach Activities
      • Job Service Activities
      • Layoff Planning Assistance
      • On-the-Job Training Opportunities
      • Placement Follow Up Activities
      • Rapid Response Assistance
      • Recruitment Assistance
      • Strategic Planning Activities
      • Veteran's Employment Services
      • Work Experience Activities

    • Type of Contact: Drop-down; Select the method of contact from the following options:

      • In Person
      • Telephone
      • Email
      • Fax
      • Letter
      • Text from Phone
      • Twitter
      • Other

    • Purpose: Text; Type a brief description of the contact. To check your spelling, click Check Spelling.
    • Result:Text; Type a brief description of what occurred as a result of the contact. To check your spelling, click Check Spelling.
  4. To submit the contact details, click Add Contact. The Contact List page displays. To return to the Contact List page without adding contact information, click Return.