EEO Auditing

The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Audit allows staff and employers to generate a report of job referrals and job order preparation. The report can be generated by gender, age, race, ethnicity, disability, veteran status, and migrant/seasonal farm worker status.


Bring the employer into context by conducting an Employer Search or selecting the employer from My Employers. Click EEO Auditing on the Employer Details page.

Generate Report

  1. Navigate to EEO Auditing. The Referral Search page displays.
  2. Enter search parameters as desired.

    • Start Date: Calendar/Text; Type the desired start date for the report.
    • End Date: Calendar/Text; Type the desired end date for the report.
    • Gender: Drop-down; Select from the following options:
      • Both Males and Females
      • Males
      • Females
    • Age: Drop-down; Select from the following options:
      • Under 40
      • 40 and Over
    • Race: List; Select from the following options (select more than one option by holding down the Ctrl key):
      • All races
      • White or Caucasian
      • Asian or Asian American
      • Black or African American
      • American Indian or Alaska Native
      • Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • Ethnicity: Drop-down; Select from the following options:
      • Not Specified
      • Ethnic Hispanic or Latino
    • Disability: Drop-down; Select from the following options:
      • Not specified
      • Not Disabled
      • Disabled
    • Veteran Type: List; Select from the following options (select more than one option by holding down the Ctrl key):
      • Both Veterans and Non-Veterans
      • Veteran
      • Vietnam Era Veteran
      • Campaign Veteran
      • Campaign Vietnam Era Veteran
      • Other Veteran
      • Disabled Veteran
      • Special Disabled Veteran
    • Migrant/Seasonal Farm Worker: Dropdown; Select from the following options:
      • Not specified
      • Non-Migrant/Seasonal Farm Workers
      • Migrant/Seasonal Farm Workers
  3. Click Search. The Format Choice screen displays. Select the preferred format (HTML reports support drill-down capability). The Job Orders Summary displays.
  4. Click the link in the Referral Matches column to view a report of the job seekers who were referred to that job posting. Click the Joborder ID link to view the Job Details of the job posting. Click the back button on your browser to return to the report.
    1. Continue to click the back button on your browser to return to the Referral Search page. From there, you can refine your search (click Reset to clear the form) or Return to Employer Details.